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Currently only installations on Debian 11 (bookworm) are supported.

Head over to the GitHub Release Page and download the debian package for the respective version.

Install the debian package

sudo apt install ./stustapay_<version>+bookworm1_amd64.deb

Setup Postgres database

Install postgres (either on the same server or on a different server).

sudo apt install postgresql

Create a new user and database (names can be altered).

$ sudo -u postres psql
> create role stustapay with password '<secure password';
> create database stustapay owner stustapay;

Update /etc/stustapay/config.yaml and update the database connection information.

In case postgres is not running on the same server as your stustapay installation make sure to configure tls encryption in postgres. You can turn on tls encryption for the stustapay database connection by configuring the tls root certificate and setting require_ssl: true.

# ...
require_ssl: true
sslrootcert: </path/to/rootcert>

Configure StuStaPay

Generate a production application secret e.g. via pwgen -s 64 1 and configure it.

secret_key: "<your secret>"

Test Mode

The default config will contain the key test_mode set to true. This is essentially just a flag to enable a red banner in both the administration UI and the customer portal to differentiate between production and test setups. We recommend leaving this enabled for the time being until you're comfortable with the setup and are ready to switch to production mode. An optional message can be configured in this test mode banner via test_mode_message.

Migrate the database

Simply run

sudo -u stustapay stustapay db migrate

You can always open a psql shell to the currently configured database by running

sudo -u stustapay stustapay db attach

Configure Nginx

Installing the debian package will also install some initial nginx config files for the terminal api, admin portal and customer portal.

These can be found under /etc/nginx/sites-available/stustapay-*. They are mostly ready, you just need to configure TLS certificates and update the server_name settings with your desired domains.

Then just activate them via

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/stustapay-* /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Start the Services

sudo systemctl enable --now stustapay-administration-api.service
sudo systemctl enable --now stustapay-terminal-api.service
sudo systemctl enable --now stustapay-customerportal-api.service
sudo systemctl enable --now stustapay-tse-controller.service
sudo systemctl enable --now stustapay-payment-processor.service
sudo systemctl enable --now stustapay-payment-processor.service
sudo systemctl enable --now stustapay-ticket-processor.service
sudo systemctl enable --now stustapay-bon-generator.service