Developer Documentation
To get started with development first clone the repository.
git clone
Developing on your local machine
Install system requirements:
python >= 3.11
nodejs >= 20
(optional, recommended for running postgresql in a docker container)
Setup Backend for Development
Create a python virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install backend python module as a local editable python module. This will install all python requirements needed for development and testing as well.
pip install -e '.[dev,test]'
You should now have the stustapay
command available.
Setup the database
Start a local postgres instance via docker compose.
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.devel.yaml up
This will start a postgresql instance and bind it to the local port 5433
(to not conflict with already locally running postgres databases on the default port.)
Use an already running local postgresql instance
Another option is to run a local postgresql instance.
In that case you have to take care of setting up a database user and database yourself.
You'll probably want to copy etc/config.devel.yaml
and adapt the database connection settings.
Apply the database schema
stustapay -c etc/config.devel.yaml db migrate
Now you're mostly set up and ready to start developing and using the backend.
Head over to the simulator docs to see how to generate test data and obtain a somewhat realistic test setup.
Setup web frontend for development
To install the web ui requirements run
cd web
npm install
To start the administration web and customer web interfaces in development mode (supports live code reloading) run
npx nx serve administration
npx nx serve customerportal
Other usefull commands for development (where project
is either customerportal
or administration
) are
npx nx build <project>
npx nx lint <project>
Formatting, Linting and Testing
# check format
make check-format
# format code
make format
# run linters
make lint
# run tests (nondocker based postgres instance only)
make tests
When using a docker based postgres instance as mentioned above, start the docker compose setup and run the tests using the following commands:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.devel.yaml up
TEST_DB_USER=stustapay_test TEST_DB_PASSWORD=stustapay_test TEST_DB_HOST=localhost TEST_DB_DATABASE=stustapay_test TEST_DB_PORT=5434 make test
Developing in a devcontainer
You can use vscode's development containers, we've included a configuration file in the repo root.
After starting the devcontainer you can simply start up the core services and the web uis.
When using DevContainer make sure to forward the port globally. Otherwise the till will not be able to connect.
In the VSCode Settings set Remote: Local Port Host to allInterfaces
Troubles with the database? Connect to the database in the devcontainer pstgres-data (below dev volumes), then drop and re-create the schema.
su - postgres -c psql
drop schema public cascade;
create schema public;